Thursday, September 22, 2011

Scalloped Sausage and Potatoes

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
1 cup soft bread crumbs
8 medium-size red potatoes, boiled in their skins in water to cover till almost tender, drained, and thinly sliced
3/4 pound smoked sausage (such as kielbasa), thinly sliced
8 large hard-boiled eggs, sliced
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 cup sour cream
Medium-hot imported paprika to taste

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Spoon about 3 teaspoons of the melted butter into a 2-quart casserole and sprinkle with about 3 teaspoons of the bread crumbs. Arrange a layer of sliced potatoes evenly over the crumbs, then a layer of the sausage, and finally a layer of the eggs. Season with salt and pepper, then spoon about 4 teaspoons of the crumbs and 4 teaspoons of the butter over the eggs. Continue to layer the remaining ingredients, ending with crumbs and butter, spread the sour cream evenly over the top, sprinkle with paprika, and bake till golden brown, about 1 hour.

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